Day 66 - 16th Day of Lent

Next | Day 66 | Saturday | 7 March 2015 | Numbers 25:1 – 26:65
Date | 1445 or 1279 BC

Source | Daily Reading Guide | The One Year ® Chronological Bible | Tyndale, 2013 | Click here

Reading | Intermarriage with Baalite women leads to rebellion; plague in judgement; census to see who survived; divide the inheritance fairly of land to the tribes.

Source | The New Oxford Annotated Bible, 4th Edition | (c) 2010, Oxford University Press | ISBN 978-0-19-528955-8 | click here | pp. 227 - 230

Next | Day 67 | Sunday | March 8 | Numbers 27:1 – 29:40

Reflection Session | Sundays | 910 am – 940 am ET-USA | Grace Episcopal Church Parish Hall | 341 Washington | Traverse City | Michigan | USA | good talk, prayer, reflection, and coffee


Collect of the Day: The Second Sunday in Lent

O God, whose glory it is always to have mercy: Be gracious to all who have gone astray from your ways, and bring them again with penitent hearts and steadfast faith to embrace and hold fast the unchangeable truth of your Word, Jesus Christ your Son; who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

For Mission

Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hard wood of the cross that everyone might come within the reach of your saving embrace: So clothe us in your Spirit that we, reaching forth our hands in love, may bring those who do not know you to the knowledge and love of you; for the honor of your Name. Amen.

A Collect for Saturdays

Almighty God, who after the creation of the world rested from all you works and sanctified a day of rest for all your creatures: Grant that we, putting away all earthly anxieties, may be duly prepared for the service of your sanctuary, and that our rest here upon earth may be a preparation for the eternal rest promised to your people in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source | Daily Office in English | Mission St Clare | Book of Common Prayer | today - click here

Sounds Like Grace – Click here

Morning Prayer Pod Cast | Episcopal Parish of Garrett County - Maryland | Today - Click here

Bible in Time is part of the world wide ministry of Jesus Christ, training disciples from Grace Episcopal Church, Traverse City, Michigan, USA


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