Congratulations! You did it!


You have made it!

If you started with us ... you have read the Bible for over 100 days.  You have seen Creation, Fall, Flood, rainbows, Slavery, Exodus, Burning Bushes, Wilderness Wanderings, war, battles, blood shed, the promise land, Judges as guides to the people, lack of faith, the love of a daughter in law to a mother in law, rules and regs, clean and unclean, great faith, moving toward purity and holiness, a chosen people, God, angels, prophets, false gods, estate planning, redemption, forgiveness, God's presence in the ordinary and more.... 

If you have joined us later ... so what! You can start at any time and any where. Any time you start reading Scripture, you will be blessed, sometimes scratch your head, but at all times be in wonderment of God wanting to be in relationship with us as individuals, believing community, nations, the planet, and the universe.

Reminder that you can look back to see what we have covered in the blog... hit older posts to do this.

I have been blessed and deepened in my faith by the daily reflection of the word, and the prayers from the Book of Common Prayer (one of the most revolutionary books in Christendom. Imagine asking people to pray daily and read scriptures in a posture of prayer. Amazing! And appearing daily since 1789).

I encourage you to read, reflect, and pray. I hope this is helpful in your walk with God.

Blessings, Honor, Glory and Power to Transform Lives be to God forever!



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