Day 179 - the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Read | Day 179 | Sunday | June 28
Isaiah 28: 1-29
2   Kings 17: 5
2   Kings 18: 9, 10-12
2   Kings 17: 6-23, 24-41
Isaiah 1: 1-20

Reading | Isaiah speaks about Samaria; righteousness is the plumb line for the basis of judgement; Assyria besieges Samaria and Samaria falls; foreigners settle in Israel - did not worship God - killed the people; Isaiah's message for the rebellious Judah; but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword.

Next | Day 180 | Monday | June 29
Isaiah 1: 21-31 
Isaiah 2: 1-5, 6-22 
Isaiah 3: 1-15, 16– 4: 1 
Isaiah 4: 2-6 
Isaiah 5: 1-7, 8-30 

Source | Tyndale (2012-03-19) |The One Year Chronological Bible NIV |(Kindle Locations 73792-73813) | Tyndale House Publishers | Kindle Edition.

Check out today's morning prayer from Mission St Clare - Click here


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