Day 267 - Thursday after the 17th Sunday after Pentecost - Begin to read the New Testament

Read | Day 267 | Thursday | September 24 |
Mark 1: 1 
Luke 1: 1-4 
John 1: 1-18
Matthew 1: 1-17 
Luke 3: 23b-38 
Luke 1: 5-25, 26-38 

Background | Center for Biblical Studies | 
Mark’s Gospel is second in canonical order, but New Testament scholars understand that was written before the other Gospels. Matthew’s Gospel uses some of Mark’s for writing his account of Jesus’ life; Luke’s Gospel uses Mark as well. There is also likely an even older tradition that Matthew, Mark, and Luke all were familiar with, not to mention various oral traditions. This theory best explains why there is so much overlap between these three Gospels while at the same time there are so many significant differences. Because these three Gospels overlap in wording and content as often as they do, they are called the “synoptic Gospels” (Greek, syn, together with; optic, seeing). John’s Gospel presents Jesus in a different way, and there is likely very little, if any, connection between John and the other three Gospels.

Mark’s Gospel is the briefest of the four canonical Gospels. More ... click here
Source - click here
Date | 400 years after the last book of the Old Testament is written, the story of the New Testament begins to unfold, around 6 BC

Reading | The beginning of the Good News about Jesus; Luke writes an account of Jesus; Gospel of John starts with the Logos - the Word coming to dwell with us. John the Baptist is NOT the messiah; the Son knows God; Matthew's genealogy starts with Abraham and goes to Joseph/Mary telling of the salvation history; Luke's genealogy starts with Joseph and goes through the complete history to end with God; John the Baptist birth is fore told as with Jesus. Gabriel shows up to Zechariah - high priest - he will have a child, Z says he is old, Gab says you will not be able to speak until it happen. Wife, Elizabeth, hides; Gab shows up with Mary and gives her the news and she says Yes,

Source | Tyndale | The One Year Chronological Bible NIV | ISBN 978-1-4143-5993-9 

Next |  Day 268 | Friday | September 25 |

Luke 1: 39-45, 46-56, 57-66, 67-80 
Matthew 1: 18-25 
Luke 2: 1-7, 8-20, 21-24, 25-35, 36-40 
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