Day 315 - Wednesday after the 24th Sunday in Pentecost

Read | Day 315 | Wednesday | November 11 |
Acts 10: 1-8, 9-33, 34-43, 44-48 
Acts 11: 1-18, 19-30 
Acts 12: 1-5 

Date: about 41 a.d.

In this painting by Gerbrand van den Eeckhout an angel
 appears to the Roman centurion Cornelius.
 The angel tells him to seek out St. Peter.
 The Walters Art Museum.
Reading | An angel appears before a devout centurion named Cornelius to send for Peter; Peter sees vision that all created by God is clean and humanity should not say that it is; Peter - God shows no favoritism but accepts everyone from every nation who has faith; Gentiles receive the Holy Spirit; Peter reports back to the church in Jerusalem the great things happening; Church sends Barnabas to Antioch and picks up Paul in Tarsus; King Herod sends out a persecution of the Church; he kills James, the brother of John killed and arrested Peter and placed him in prison.

Next | 
Day 316 |Thursday | November 12 |
Acts 12: 6-19a, 19b-24, 25– 13: 3 
Acts 13: 4-12, 13-43, 44-52 
Acts 14: 1-7, 8-20 


Psalm 119: Nun Lucerna pedibus meis
105   Your word is a lantern to my feet *
and a light upon my path. 
106   I have sworn and am determined *
to keep your righteous judgments. 
107   I am deeply troubled; *
preserve my life, O LORD, according to your word. 
108   Accept, O LORD, the willing tribute of my lips, *
and teach me your judgments. 
109   My life is always in my hand, *
yet I do not forget your law. 
110   The wicked have set a trap for me, *
but I have not strayed from your commandments. 
111   Your decrees are my inheritance for ever; *
truly, they are the joy of my heart. 
112   I have applied my heart to fulfill your statutes *
for ever and to the end.

A Collect for Grace
O Lord God, almighty and everlasting Father, you have brought us in safety to this new day: Preserve us with your mighty power, that we may not fall into sin, nor be overcome by adversity; and in all we do, direct us to the fulfilling of your purpose; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source | Book of Common Prayer | Forward Movement | Click here


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