Day 336 - The Fourth Day in Advent

Read | Day 336 | Wednesday | December 2
Acts 20: 13-38
Acts 21: 1-14, 15-25, 26-36

Paul journey to Jerusalem and stops and encourages the saints along the way, he knows he is going to face arrest by the religious leadership. He is arrested and speaks to the crowd; it is so riotous that Paul is surrounded by the local Roman garrison.

Acts 21: 37– 22: 22
Acts 22: 23-29, 30– 23: 11
Acts 23: 12-22, 23-35

Source | Tyndale (2012-03-19) | The One Year Chronological Bible NIV | Tyndale House Publishers | Kindle Edition.


Listen and pray | Book of Common Prayer | The Episcopal Parish of Garrett County, Commonwealth of Maryland, United States of American | via Mission St Clare | click here


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