Day 346 - Day 14 in Advent - BIT 2015

Read | Day 346 | Saturday | December 12
James 1: 1, 2-18, 19-27
James 2: 1-13, 14-26
James 3: 1-12, 13-18 

Background | Mark Allen Powell | James

Reading | James writes to the 12 tribes of Israel and the community of Christians scattered; be mature in the faith; don't hamper those that are weak in the faith; not only listen to the Word but do it!;
never be prejudice against anyone; love your neighbor as yourself and show no favoritism; faith without deeds and acts of mercy and forgiveness is dead; be alive in your faith; watch what you say; believe in God.

Next |  Day 347 | Sunday | December 13
James 4: 1-10, 11-12, 13-17
James 5: 1-6, 7-12, 13-18, 19-20
1   Timothy 1: 1-2, 3-11, 12-17, 18-20
1  Timothy 2: 1-15

Source | Tyndale (2012-03-19) | The One Year Chronological Bible NIV | Tyndale House Publishers | Kindle Edition.

What is Advent? Click here

A Collect for Saturdays

Almighty God, who after the creation of the world rested from all your works and sanctified a day of rest for all your creatures: Grant that we, putting away all earthly anxieties, may be duly prepared for the service of your sanctuary, and that our rest here upon earth may be a preparation for the eternal rest promised to your people in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source | Book of Common Prayer | Forward Movement | Click here


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