Day 363 - Tuesday after the First Sunday in Christmas

Warning: I don't think reading the Book of the Revelation of John is appropriate for Christmastide. But if you do so to complete your reading of the chronological bible in a year but be warned.

Read | Day 363 | Tuesday | December 29

Revelation 11: 1-14, 15-19
Revelation 12: 1-17
Revelation 13: 1-10, 11-18
Revelation 14: 1-5, 6-13, 14-20

Reading | 
Revelation 11 - John takes measurements of the Temple; the beast will come from the pit; 7th Angel = kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of earth are one; the Temple and the Ark of the Covenant were open and there was a lot of noise.
Revelation 12 - Woman with sun and moon and stars and pregnant; Dragon waiting to eat the child born; dragon/devil/satan is defeated and then turns to rule the earth; dragon takes a beach head.
Revelation 13 - Beast from the Sea; Second beast from sea
Revelation 14 - the Lamb on Mt Zion with the 144,000 who had the name of the Lamb on their forehead; they sing the new song of salvation; Three more angels – Angel #1 = fear God, fall down and worship; Angel #2 = Fallen is Babylon because of the drink of her fornication; Angel #3 = there will be a mark on the foreheads of the evil one; another Angel commanded to harvest and turns the people it encounters into blood from God’s wrath.

Next | Day 364 | Wednesday | December 30
Revelation 15: 1-4, 5– 16: 21
Revelation 17: 1-18
Revelation 18: 1-24


Collect for the First Sunday after Christmas

Almighty God, you have poured upon us the new light of your incarnate Word: Grant that this light, enkindled in our hearts, may shine forth in our lives; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Source | | Click here 


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