Bible in Time 2016

2016 Bible in Time
Introduction and Purpose

The bible reflection for this coming year will be based on the Book of Common Prayer Daily Office calendar of readings with prayers, my brief reflections on the readings of the day, some background on the books of the Bible we are reading, and pointing you to do at a minimum the Morning Office.

The Book of Common Prayer has been in some form in Anglicanism since the 1600s. Imagine a denomination of the Body of Christ encouraging lay and clergy to pray four times per day. In the Book of Common Prayer (USA) these come in the form of Morning, Noon, Evening, and the beautiful Compline worship. This form of worship is intended to be used at home but is also appropriate for church meetings and gathering of Christians for prayer, reflection, and study. It also assumes that you will be going to Church each Sunday to experience God and the Lord’s people. Find a church and go if you are not doing so already. Come and See.

The calendar of the readings allows the faithful person to complete some 85% of the Bible in the readings over two years. They include each day readings in the Psalms, the Old Testament, the Gospels, and the balance of the New Testament. With these readings, prayers and commemorations of fellow believers of the past, give the Christian disciple a grounding in the Word, the Bible, and prayer in order to help the disciple hear the voice of God and God’s leading of each individual to do ministry in this time and place.  The Daily Office allows the Christian disciple to implement the Jesus Movement by their own calling.

My slant on the readings will be a call for the Christian disciple to learn from their brothers and sisters in the past of faith in order to enable God to act in the world through the individual disciple today.

My thanks go to the Holy Spirit, the Rev Daniel P Richards, the Rev Katheryn M King, and the people of God at Grace Episcopal Church, Traverse City, Michigan USA and the Church of God universal in its modern expression that has grounded me in my faith and prayer life to lead me as a teacher of Scripture to adults. May God be the glory and praise.

This is only one way of doing it. Christ is the only Way, Truth, and Life.

The Church Calendar begins at Advent as will I in the readings.  So in December you will see both Bible in Time reflecting on the readings in the Chronological Bible and also the beginnings of this new venture.


Wow! Do we live in a wondrous age!

I will be referring to online resources for the full office and assume you will pray the prayers faithfully and daily.

I will be reflecting on the readings as I have in the past.

Then close with a prayer.

I will have you “click” to other sources better than I for the various resources and I will quote sources.

I write this as I begin a new venture and calling in my work. I look at the morning dawn in Forest Grove, Oregon, USA and see the light frost on the grass and trees.

I look forward to walk with you in faith to read the Bible, pray the prayers, hear the call, and serve the world.

First Sunday in Advent
29 November 2015 AD

BCP image source | nice brief introduction | Click here


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