Wednesday - Pentecost 4 - Proper 6

Daily Office Reading from the Book of Common Prayer
Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:2

Daily Office & Pray - Click here

Today | Wednesday | 15 June 2016Ps. 119:97–120; Ps. 81 82; Num. 11:24–33 (34–35); Rom. 1:28—2:11; Matt. 18:1–9 

Psalm 119
The Wednesday cycle of going through Ps 119 - the longest psalm - Literary type - free expression | I love your law, O Lord, it is a lamp to my feet and a  light to my path; I am in awe of you and I shun evil doers

Numbers 11
The 70 are selected by God and Moses; two miss the meeting and yet given spiritual gifts; Moses does not worry about the gifts given to the elders and wishes all could receive these gifts; God provides quail to eat but gets irritated at their greed and strikes them down with a plague.

Romans 1
God gave the unbelieving to their evil ways; you can't judge them for God has judged them and will repay them according to his deeds; do good and experience God's glory; this is for everyone no matter their birth.

Matthew 18
Jesus teaching on the greatest in the Kingdom being the least; if anything causes you to stumble - get rid of it and live eternal life; honor the little ones for they are great in heaven.

Tomorrow | Thursday | 16 June 2016

Ps. [83] or 34; Ps. 85 86; Num. 12:1–16; Rom. 2:12–24; Matt. 18:10–20 

For the Human Family
O God, you made us in your own image and redeemed us through Jesus your Son: Look with compassion on the whole human family; take away the arrogance and hatred which infect our hearts; break down the walls that separate us; unite us in bonds of love; and work through our struggle and confusion to accomplish your purposes on earth; that, in your good time, all nations and races may serve you in harmony around your heavenly throne; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Source | Mission St Clare | click here


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