Saturday - Pentecost 13 - Proper 15

Ananias and Paul

Highlights and Reflections
Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer - written in the 1970s

Today | Saturday | 20 August 2016

Ps. 137:1–6 (7–9) Ps. 144; Ps. 104; Job 3:1–26; Acts 9:10–19a; John 6:41–51

Psalm 137
A lament while being in exile in Babylon and away from the center of worship in Jerusalem; is God still will us?  (but of course!)

Job 3
Job opened his mouth and cursed the day of his birth; I have no peace, no quietness; I have no rest, but only turmoil. How do we endure suffering when we are good people? Why us? Pray today for those persecuted for the Christian faith today.

Acts 9
Without the reluctant volunteer Ananias obeying Jesus and healing Saul/Paul, where would the Church be today? We do not know what things God is leading us to do and its impact on the Church/the Body of Christ/the Communion of Saints but like Ananias we should do them. What a wonderful conversation between Ananias and Jesus.

John 6
The people that are listening to Jesus can't possibly understand his bread of life images until after the Last Supper and Resurrection. Eating the body, drinking the blood shoulds bizarre unless understood in the soul of faith.


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