Thursday - Pentecost 13 - Proper 15
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Highlights and Reflections
Daily Office Readings of Book of Common Prayer (last century)
Today | Thursday | 18 August 2016
Ps. 131 132 [133]; Ps. 134 135; Job 1:1–22; Acts 8:26–40; John 6:16–27
Psalm 132
A song of praise for the blessing of the king of Israel
Job 2
Satan comes into the heavenly courts; the Lord brags about the faithfulness of Job; Satan says of course he is grateful for all his blessing - take those away and he will curse God; God does not think so but lets Satan do to Job and see what happens.
Acts 8
Philip follows the instructions of God and goes to meet an official of the queen of Ethiopia and while reading Isaiah is given the opportunity to speak of Jesus, the official is baptized; and Philip to taken off to other work.
John 6
Jesus walking on the water; disciples were afraid; they landed; the crowds followed him; why are you following me? Look for eternal life.
Tomorrow | Friday | 19 August 2016
Collect of the Day: Proper 15
Almighty God, you have given your only Son to be for us a sacrifice for sin, and also an example of godly life: Give us grace to receive thankfully the fruits of this redeeming work, and to follow daily in the blessed steps of his most holy life; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
For Mission
Almighty and everlasting God,
by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful people
is governed and sanctified:
Receive our supplications and prayers
which we offer before you for
all members of your holy Church,
that in their vocation and ministry
they may truly and devoutly serve you;
through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful people
is governed and sanctified:
Receive our supplications and prayers
which we offer before you for
all members of your holy Church,
that in their vocation and ministry
they may truly and devoutly serve you;
through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
Source |Mission St Clare
Note: I blog that you may hear God's calling and change the world for the sake of the Kingdom of God. dwe+
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