
Showing posts from September, 2016

Friday - Pentecost 19 - Proper 21

Image Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 19th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 21 Pray Today | Psalm 102 Hear my prayer, O Lord Please listen to me. God hears the prayers of the homeless; Even if nations pass away, your children, O Lord, will endure. Hosea 10 The prophet tells the people of Israel of their breaking the covenant with God by worshipping rulers and idols; They will all pass away but God endures forever; they will be cut off because of their unbelief. Acts 21 Paul taken into custody by the Tribune asks to address the riotous crowd; Paul speaks in their native language telling them of Jesus and his conversion to the faith that the Hebrew prophets of old proclaimed. He tells of his baptism. Luke 6 After Jesus went to pray, he gathered 12 people to be his lead disciples; a crowd came to hear him but ... Then he (Jesus) looked up a...

Thursday - Pentecost 19 - Proper 21

Image Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 19th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 21 Pray Today | Michael and the Angels Psalm 80 Shine forth God from the heavens; restore us; hear our prayer; break down the walls between us; God - I will never turn away from you; restore us. Job 38 Job encounters God after all Job’s complaining - God speaks - Where were you when I created the Universe? Did you determine its dimensions; Where were you when I created the heavens and the stars? Hebrews 1 The prophets told of the Savior - the Son of Man; God gave the Lord’s son at the right time; Let all the angels worship him; For God created everything; God set Jesus above the angels. Mark 3 There will be fake messiahs that come along but watch for the Son of Man coming again in glory will all the angels to gather believers to be his own. Collect: Proper 20 ...

Wednesday - Pentecost 19 - Proper 21

Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 19th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 21 Pray Today | Ps. 101 109:1–4 (5–19) 20–30; Ps. 119:121–144; Hosea 4:11–19; Acts 21:15–26; Luke 5:27–39 Psalm 101 I will love mercy and justice, O Lord, as I seek you; I hate those that do evil; I will destroy them. Acts 21 Paul and his entourage arrived in Cypress and then Jerusalem; he met with the brothers who advised him to be viable in the Temple in observing the Jewish tradition; Paul took his group and went through purification and sacrificial observance in the Temple. Luke 5 Jesus calls Levi as a disciple; Levi throws a party in celebration: Religious leaders ask why Jesus hangs with sinners; Jesus - the sick are in need of a physician, not the well; He tells stories of new wine and wineskins? What is the “new wine” in you? Tomorrow | Ps. 8 148; Job 38:1–7; Hebrews 1:1–14; Ps. 34 150 or Ps. ...

Tuesday - Pentecost 19 - Proper 21

Healing of the Paralytic by James Tissot Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 19th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 21 Pray Today | Ps. 97 99 [100]; Ps. 94 [95]; Hosea 4:1–10; Acts 21:1–14; Luke 5:12–26 Psalm 97 The Lord is King, let the universe rejoice; All the people’s everywhere see God’s glory; The Lord loves those that hate evil; Give thanks to the Lord! Acts 21 Paul continued with his companions sailing toward Jerusalem to face arrest and persecution; at every stop prophets of the Church came forward to warn him; but Paul chose to move forward; the people of God surrounded him with love and concern. Luke 5 Jesus as healer but who is he really?; heals a leper by touching him (no one would ever touch a leper); some friends of a man who was paralysed was determined to have Jesus heal him and when the crowds were great so they took him through the roof; Jesus - your sins are forgiven;...

Monday - Pentecost 19 - Proper 21

Hallau (Kanton Schaffhausen), Bergkirche St. Moritz Fenster an der Empore (Christus und Petrus) By Photo: Andreas Praefcke (Own work (own photograph)) via Wikimedia Commons Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 19th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 21 Pray Today | Ps. 89:1–18; Ps. 89:19–52; Hosea 2:14–23; Acts 20:17–38; Luke 5:1–11 Psalm 89 I will sing of your love, O Lord and everything you have done; you rule all things; you have created all things; happy are they that walk in your presence. Hosea 2 | Background Hosea uses an image of a marriage between God and the people in order to give them hope in exile; I will bring you back; God - you are my people, people- you are our God. Acts 20 Paul talks to the elders of Ephesus telling them he is bound for Jerusalem and he is proclaiming the Kingdom of God along the way; do your duty as elders and keep watch over the flock and let the Holy Sp...

Sunday - Pentecost 19 - Proper21

Image Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 19th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 21 Pray Today | Psalm 66; Hosea 2; James 3; Matthew 13 Psalm  66 Be joyful because of God’s awesome deeds; come and see the works of God; the Lord saved us; God will protect us no matter the test; I will worship you!; God listens to your prayers. Pray for … James 3 Those that teach the word of God will be judged at a higher standard; the tongue is small but is a fire that can destroy or sing praise to God; no one can tame the tongue; show by your life that your works come from God’s wisdom. Matthew 13 Jesus taught the people in parable stories; the Kingdom of heaven is like … A treasure found … A pearl found … A fishing net that catches all sort of fish … New and old treasure ... Collect of the Day: Proper 20 Grant us, Lord, not to anxious about earthly thin...

Saturday - Pentecost 18 - Proper 20

Arholma kyrka By Pelle Sten (Own work) via Wikimedia Commons Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 18th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 20 Pray Today | Saturday | 24 September 2016 Ps. 87 90; Ps. 136; Hosea 1:1—2:1; Acts 20:1–16; Luke 4:38–44 Psalm 89 | Literary type - Royal Psalm The Lord love Zion; more high compliments on living there; God is there. Acts 20 | the case of the writing changes to the third person; “we” They traveled around Greece and that area without going into Asia; Paul wanted to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost. Luke 4 Jesus leaves that place and goes to the home of Simon where they encounter his mother-in-law with a fever; Jesus heals her and she serves them; many other came to be healed; after that Jesus went to a quiet place but the crowd would not leave him alone and try to prevent him from leaving; Jesus said he must continue to other areas to proclaim the Kingdom of G...

Friday - Pentecost 18 - Proper 20

Eleventh-century  fresco  of the  Exorcism at the Synagogue in Capernaum . Highlights Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Week after the 18th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 20 Bless the Lord and to those who give us Scriptures to read, study, reflect, and pray for the building of disciples and the unity of our faith in Jesus Christ. Pray Today | Tomorrow | Friday | 23 September 2016 Ps. 88; Ps. 91 92; Esther 8:1–8 15–17; Acts 19:21–41; Luke 4:31–37 Psalm 88 | Literary type - Individual Lament I am in bondage, prison, laughed at, and rejected by my friends; save me according to your justice. Esther 8 Esther further eradicates the edicts of Haman that we against the Jews and they were banished; Mordecai becomes the second in the nation speaking for the King in all things; the Jews again begin to thrive. Acts 19 Nearly a riot is created by the merchants of idols of Artemus because people, after he...