Tuesday - Pentecost 17 - Proper 19

Enter to Jerusalem
By царские изографы [Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons

Highlights and Reflections
Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer


Today | Tuesday | 13 September 2016

Psalm 61
I pray to you, O Lord, from the ends of the earth; I have taken my vows and let me keep them; be with my leaders and guide them; I will sing to the Lord and fulfill my vows.

Acts 16
The case of the writings are now "we"; God has guided the missionaries to Phillipi; Lydia heard Paul's preaching and her household was baptized.

John 12 Jesus and Lazarus come into Jerusalem; Jesus' triumphal entry on a donkey; Pharisees among the plot to kill him find that the whole world comes to Jesus and can not arrest him at this time.
God of all life,
you call us to live in community
and teach us to care for one another
after the pattern
of Jesus Christ your Son our Lord.
We pray for those whose position and authority
affect the lives of others.
Inspire them with a vision
of the community as it might be,
where love of neighbor
and concern for one another
drive out discontent and strife, anxiety and fear.
Help us all to work together
with one heart and will,
with sympathy and understanding,
to serve the common good,
to minister to people in trouble and despair,
and to multiply true happiness among us;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Book of Common Order of the Church of Scotland 
(Edinburgh: St. Andrew Press, 1994)


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