Wednesday - Pentecost 18 - Proper 20

Jesus Tempted
by Carl Heinrich Bloch [Public domain],
via Wikimedia Commons

Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication
Week after the 18th Sunday after Pentecost - Proper 20

Today | Wednesday | 21 September 2016

Psalm 119 | This psalm is the longest in the Bible and is divided into stanzas by the Hebrew alphabet. The Daily Office Readings uses this psalm on Wednesdays on its calendar.|
How I love your law; I have great understanding and wisdom because I have kept your word; Your word guides me; Keep me safe from the wicked; My hope is in your word.

Acts 19 |
The ministry of Apollos was in Corinth while Paul’s ministry was in Ephesus; Paul baptized people there in the name of Jesus and they rec’d the Holy Spirit; he stayed there for two years doing daily preaching so that all in that area received the word.

Luke 4 |
Like any prophet of old, Jesus went into the wilderness and fasted. After 40 days, the devil shows up to tempt Jesus with bread (food), power, and testing God to help him; Jesus did not do any of the temptations and the devil went away until another time.

Thursday | 22 September 2016

Prayer of Discipleship

Loving God,
I thank you for choosing me to be your disciple
And for the gift of your Son, Jesus.
Help me proclaim and bear witness to the Gospel
By word and by deed
Today and every day.
Open my heart to
The outcast, the forgotten,
The lonely, the sick, and the poor.
Grant me the courage
To think, to choose, and to live as a Christian,
Joyfully obedient to God.


Adapted from the Homily of Pope Francis, Basilica of St Pay Outside-the-Walls, Third Sunday of Easter, April 12, 2013. while in America


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