Wednesday - Advent 1 - St. Andrew
Jesus Teaching, ibid. Highlights & Mini-Bible Study Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer | last century publication Wednesday of the First Week in Advent I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord.” Psalm 122:1 Pray this way or this way or this way . Psalm 34 I will bless the Lord at all times; Let me proclaim the greatness of the Lord; I sought the Lord and he answered me; Taste and see that the Lord is good; God will save us… 1 Corinthians 4 Paul continues with his teaching; Be trustworthy in your work in the Lord; You are rich in Christ; We work hard and will be blessed, be imitators of people of faith. John 1 John the baptist proclaims Jesus as the Lamb of God/Messiah; Andrew follows Jesus and tells his brother Simon to “come and see” Jesus; Jesus meets Simon and renames him Peter/Cephas. Prayers and Intercessions | Mission St Clare | Book of Common Prayer. Collect of the Day: The First Sunday...