Saturday - Days of Lent - Week 5
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The Raising of Lazarus Rembrandt [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons |
Highlights & Mini-Bible Study
Days of Lent - Week 5
Jesus said,” If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” | Mark 8:34 | BCP p. 76
Today | Saturday | 8 April 2017
Ps. 137:1–6 (7–9), Ps. 144; Ps. 42, 43; Jer. 31:27–34; Rom. 11:25–36; John 11:28–44 or John 12:37–50
Ps. 137:1–6 (7–9), Ps. 144; Ps. 42, 43; Jer. 31:27–34; Rom. 11:25–36; John 11:28–44 or John 12:37–50
Psalm 137 | Communal Lament | Background
The Psalmist remembers the Exile into Babylon; the oppressors asked them to sing; how can we sing to the Lord in a foreign land
Romans 11 | Paul writes …
Israel does not understand the gospel so that everyone can receive mercy and move onto a life of forgiveness; to God be the glory, forever!
John 11 |
Jesus went to the home of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. Jesus cries at the tomb of his friend Lazarus and raises him from the dead as Jesus will be raised.
S: Book of Common Prayer; Mission St Clare; New Oxford Annotated Bible, 4th ed.; HS+;;;; New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.
Prayers and Intercessions | Mission St Clare | Book of Common Prayer.
Today | Collect of the Day: The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Today | Collect of the Day: The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Gracious Father, whose blessed Son Jesus Christ came down from heaven to be the true bread which gives life to the world: Evermore give us this bread, that he may live in us, and we in him; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.
For Mission
Almighty and everlasting God, by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful people is governed and sanctified: Receive our supplications and prayers which we offer before you for all members of your holy Church, that in their vocation and ministry they may truly and devoutly serve you; through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
A Collect for Saturdays
Almighty God, who after the creation of the world rested from all you works and sanctified a day of rest for all your creatures: Grant that we, putting away all earthly anxieties, may be duly prepared for the service of your sanctuary, and that our rest here upon earth may be a preparation for the eternal rest promised to your people in heaven; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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