Friday - Easter 6

Highlights & Mini-Bible Study | Daily Office Readings | Book of Common Prayer
Friday - Easter 6

Alleluia. The Lord is risen indeed: Come let us adore him. Alleluia.| BCP p. 76

Today | Friday | 26 May 2017
Psalm 85 | Background
You have been gracious to the land and the people and restore our relationship with you, O Lord; grant us your salvation; turn to the Lord; truth and righteousness shall be the way of the Lord; peace.

Hebrews 4
We have been given a great high priest who has lived for us; he took this honor only when was asked by the Father; He was a priest in the order of Melchizedek.

Luke 9
Jesus went up to the mountain with some of the disciples and Moses and Elijah appeared before them; Peter let us build memorials; a Cloud came and it said, “This is my Son the Beloved.”; and the disciples were terrified and said nothing,

S: Book of Common Prayer; Mission St Clare; The Episcopal Church in Garrett County, Maryland, USA; New Oxford Annotated Bible, 4th ed.; HS+;;;; New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

Prayers and Intercessions | Mission St Clare | Book of Common Prayer.
Today | Collect of the Day: Sixth Sunday of Easter
O God, you have prepared for those who love you such good things as surpass our understanding: Pour into our hearts such love towards you, that we, loving you in all things and above all things, may obtain your promises, which exceed all that we can desire; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

For Mission

Almighty and everlasting God,
by whose Spirit the whole body of your faithful people
is governed and sanctified:
Receive our supplications and prayers
which we offer before you for
all members of your holy Church,
that in their vocation and ministry
they may truly and devoutly serve you;

through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.


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