Monday - Pentecost 12 - Proper 16

St. Paul before King Agrippa
Nikolai Bodarevsky [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Highlights & Mini-Bible Study
Book of Common Prayer | Daily Office Readings
Days of Pentecost

We give you thanks, O God, we give you thanks, calling upon your Name and declaring all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 75:1| Enriching Our Worship 1, p.19

Today | Monday | 28 August 2017
Psalm 1 | Background
Happy are people that do not follow the wicked;
The righteous will know the Lord.

Acts 26 |
Paul gives his defense before King Agrippa; I have been a Jew since my birth; I once opposed Jesus, but he came to me and I believed; Jesus is the fulfillment of what God has promised; the Messiah must suffer and be raised from the dead; I bring this message to all people.

Mark 13 |
Jesus continues his preaching of the end times; the Son of Man will come in great glory and gather all those who are his to all of the universe.

S: HS+; Book of Common Prayer; Mission St Clare; The Episcopal Church in Garrett County, Maryland, USA;;;; New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised, 4th edition copyright © 1989, 1995 the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.

Prayers and Intercessions | Mission St Clare | Book of Common Prayer.
Today | Pentecost 12 | Proper 16
Collect for the Day
Grant, O merciful God, that your Church, being gathered together in unity by your Holy Spirit, may show forth your power among all peoples, to the glory of your Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
For Mission
Lord Jesus Christ, you stretched out your arms of love on the hard wood of the cross that everyone might come within the reach of your saving embrace: So clothe us in your Spirit that we, reaching forth our hands in love, may bring those who do not know you to the knowledge and love of you; for the honor of your Name. Amen.
For Those Who Live Alone
Almighty God, whose Son had nowhere to lay his head: Grant that those who live alone may not be lonely in their solitude, but that, following in his steps, they may find fulfillment in loving you and their neighbors; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


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