Saturday - Pentecost 16 - Proper 20
Jesus Worlds Without End Highlights & Mini-Bible Study Book of Common Praye r | Daily Office Readings Days of Pentecost We give you thanks, O God, we give you thanks, calling upon your Name and declaring all your wonderful deeds. Psalm 75:1 | Enriching Our Worship 1, p.19 Pray this way or this way or this way or this way or this way . Alternatives Readings Today | Saturday | 30 September 2017 Ps. 87, 90; Ps. 136; 2 Kings 11:1–20a; 1 Cor. 7:10–24; Matt. 6:19–24 Psalm 87 | A Lament | Background On the Holy Mountain is the place that God created - Zion; Everyone will be born of that city; All Songs will be of Zion 1 Corinthians 7 | Paul writes to the Church Paul talks about divorce and those living with unbelievers; you might save your spouse; Obey God; keep your tradition as you can; you are free in Christ; you are called to be in your place in society. Matthew 6 Jesus teaches gain treasures...