Next Year Readings

Christ Pantocrator mosaic in Byzantine style,
from the 
Cefalù CathedralSicilyc. 1130

November 16, 2017

Dear People of God,

I am needing your opinion on the study for the church year 2018. (Advent 2017 - Christ the King 2018).

I am thinking of doing a study based on the Chronological Bible as listed on

I would still have the prayers from the Daily Office and encourage people to do the Daily Office.

I would provide you with brief reflections and study of the section of Scripture we are reading on a particular day with links to other resources.

Please let my know what you think or have another suggestions. Please let me know by November 22, 2017. I look forward in hearing from you.

May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable to you, O Lord, my strength and redeemer.

May you be blessed!

Dave Eitland
Cornelius, Oregon


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