
Showing posts from December, 2018

Reading for the Next Seven Days

Image My Mini-Bible Study for 2019 Read the Bible in a Year Using The NRSV Daily Bible The Next Seven Days of Readings 1/1/2019 Day 1 Genesis 1:1 - 3:24 1/2/2019 Day 2 Genesis 4:1 - 5:32 1/3/2019 Day 3 Genesis 6:1 - 9:17 1/4/2019 Day 4 Genesis 9:18 - 11:32 1/5/2019 Day 5 Genesis 12:1 - 14:24 1/6/2019 Day 6 Genesis 15:1 - 17:27 1/7/2019 Day 7 Genesis 18:1 - 20:18 Pray - Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. -Book of Common Prayer Collect 28 Read, Meditate, Contemplate, Pray Read the Bible in a Year! image - Other places:

Monday - Christmas 1

Light! My Quick Bible Study & Prayers Based on Book of Common Prayer Daily Office Readings Opening Sentence | The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. Isaiah 40:5 Daily Office Prayers | Pray this way or this way or this way or this way or this way . Alternatives worship Readings | m Dec. 31 Psalm 46, 48 Isa. 26:1-9 2 Cor. 5:16––6:2 John 8:12-19 Psalm 46 | God is our refuge and strength; The Lord of hosts is always with us; God will help us and is with us; Come look upon the works of the Lord! 2 Corinthians 5 | We regard everyone from a human point of view; We see them in the light of Christ; We are ambassadors of Christ; Now is the day of Salvation! John 8 | Jesus taught them - I am the light of the world! God stands with me as I testify about the Light! Father? You don’t know who I am. But those that believe do know who I am. Prayers and Intercessions Collect of ...

First Sunday after Christmas

Image File:Conj._Res._Mata_do_Jacinto,_Campo_Grande_-_MS,_Brazil_-_panoramio_(4).jpg My Quick Bible Study & Prayers Based on Book of Common Prayer Daily Office Readings Opening Sentence | The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. Isaiah 40:5 Daily Office Prayers | Pray this way or this way or this way or this way or this way . Alternatives worship Readings | | First Sunday after Christmas Psalm 93, 96 & 34 Isa. 62:6-7, 10-12 Heb. 2:10-18 Matt. 1:18-25 Psalm 93 | The Lord is King and ruler and is the universes creator; The waters make waves and noise but the Lord is greater! Hebrews 2 | God made people perfect through suffering; I will put my trust in Jesus who destroyed death; Jesus became like all humans and has suffered. Matthew 1 | Birth of Jesus took this way- Mary became pregnant through the Holy S...