Read the Bible in a Year - 2019 Study

Advent 2019

The Bible in Time 2019 study will be a spiritual journey lead by the Holy Spirit to read the Holy Bible in a Year. This will begin on January 1, 2019.  

We will be using as a text ...

Other places: You can order this bible from these places or from your favorite bookstore.

The NRSV Daily Bible - ISBN 978-0-08-200845-9 - walks the person through the journey of the Bible each day with a section of Scripture (Read), Meditate on a particular verse, Contemplate on a devotion by a believer of different times and places, and a prayer.

I will add in some Bible study insights to fill out the reading with more background. I will site my resources so that you can study further.

The purpose of the study is to deepen your faith in daily life that we face in the 21st century and hear God's call to serve the world.

Let us be blessed on this journey!

Dave Eitland
Cornelius, Oregon
Bible in Time


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An online Bible Study, The Bible in Time, will guide it's readers in 2019,  to study and read the Holy Bible in one year on a daily basis.

The study will be using The NRSV Daily Bible, Harper Bibles, ISBN 978-0-08-200846-6 as a base text. The Bible features each day are: Read, Meditate, Contemplate, and Pray. The blogsite will feature a mini Bible study to provide more insight into the Scripture reading for the day.

The study will begin on January 1 and through a 365 daily reading will walk through the entire Bible by the end of 2019.

The study will be lead by Dave Eitland whose Bible in Time blog for over 4 years has been teaching people to pray and study through Scriptures and to hear God’s call to serve around the world.

Dave has studied the Bible at Augustana University and Luther Theological Seminary. He has been teaching Christian adults the Bible for over 25 years.

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.                                    -bcp


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