Day 10 - Robbing the Inheritance

Blessing of Jacob - Gerrit Horst Williamsz
Google Art Project - Wiki Commons Images

My Mini-Bible Study for 2019
Read the Bible in a Year
Using The NRSV Daily Bible

Today’s Reading
1/10/2019 Day 10 Genesis 25:19 - 28:9
This reading deals with the birth right is to be given to the
eldest but is not. Jacob’s mother conspires to take the birthright
or the estate, lands, property, etc. from Esau to get Isaac
to give it to Jacob. Jacob acquires this right from a starving
Esau one night from Jacobs good dinner; then when Isaac is
going blind and near death - Mom and Jacob get the birthright.

Esau is mad being disinherited and Jacob flees for his life.
Jacob has still won but is now in exile. Esau gets married. God
still uses the line of Abe-Isaac-Jacob to create a new nation despite
how it came to pass.  We don’t always see God’s ways in what happens
to us. I am sure Esau didn’t at the time.

(I have never understood the repeat of the Abe and Isaac story of their wives being their sister - even for self-preservation.)

How do I deal with God’s will when it is not the way I think it should be?

Lord God, all things come from you. Keep and preserve me in the path
You lead me regardless the circumstances. Amen

The Next Seven Days of Readings

1/11/2019     Day 11   Genesis 28:10 - 30:43
1/12/2019     Day 12   Genesis 31:1 - 36:43
1/13/2019     Day 13   Genesis 37:1 - 41:57
1/14/2019     Day 14   Genesis 42:1 - 45:28
1/15/2019     Day 15   Genesis 46: 1 - 50:26
1/16/2019     Day 16   Exodus 1:1 - 4:31
1/17/ 2019    Day 17   Exodus 5:1 – 7:13

The Lord's Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your Name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial,
and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours,
now and forever. Amen.


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