Day 30 - Good and Bad Food - Clean and Unclean

Eurasian hoopoe - Wikipedia
On the Unclean Food List
My Mini-Bible Study for 2019
Read the Bible in a Year
Using The NRSV Daily Bible

Today’s Reading

1/30/2019     Day 30   Leviticus 11:1 - 14:57

It is interesting what the Eternal in this section considers clean and
unclean or what you can eat or not-

Yes - animals with divided hoofs, cleft footed, and chews a cud;
Fish with scales & fins, locust, crickets, grasshopper,

No - camel, rock badger, pig, sea creatures that do not have scales or fins, birds - eagle, vulture, ostrich, nighthawk, sea gull, any hawk, owls,
Stork, heron, hoopee, bat, all other insects that are winged that have four legs, mice, weasels, geckos, lizards, chameleon, swarming

Women after childbirth are unclean; skin eruptions; surface
afflictions, leprosy point to being unclean and excluded from the

Sanctify yourselves and be holy, for God is holy.

Thank you for the food you provide to us to eat. Have us remember
those that do not have food tonight. Be with them and help me to
solve the problem of homelessness and hunger in my land. Amen.

The Next Seven Days of Readings

1/31/2019     Day 31   Leviticus 15:1 - 18:30
2/1/2019       Day 32  Leviticus 19:1 - 23:34
2/2/2019       Day 33  Leviticus 24:1 - 27:34
2/3/2019       Day 34  Numbers 1:1 - 4:49
2/4/2019       Day 35  Numbers 5:1 - 7:89
2/5/2019       Day 36  Numbers 8:1 - 10:20
2/6/2019       Day 37  Numbers 11:1 - 14:45


Give us grace, O Lord, to answer readily the call of our
Savior Jesus Christ and proclaim to all people the
Good News of his salvation, that we and the whole
world may perceive the glory of his marvelous works;
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.


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