Day 119 - Elihu

My Mini-Bible Study for 2019
Read the Bible in a Year | Come join us at anytime!
Using The NRSV Daily Bible

Today’s Reading

4/30/2019     Day 119 Job 32:1 – 37:24

Reflection |
Elihu - Job’s younger friend - speaks - friends are bad; Job is too
self righteous - shift in that Elihu holds to the traditions but also
Is willing to open the door to questioning, or rejection, of tradition.
(Collins, Introduction …, the NRSV Daily Bible)
Background by Center of Biblical Studies. Background by |

How do you understand God in good and bad times? How do we
study about God without losing the faith we have in God?

God, you speak to me in silence, in your creation, but mostly through
Your Word and Spirit. Make me a patient, humble, and loving listener
to you and others.  Amen.

The Next Days of Readings

5/1/2019       Day 120 Job 38:1 – 42:17
5/2/2019       Day 121 Psalms 1:1 – 4:8
5/3 /2019      Day 122 Psalms 5:1 – 8:9
5/4/2019       Day 123 Psalms 9:1 – 12:8
5/5/2019       Day 124 Psalms 13:1 – 16:11
5/6/2019       Day 125 Psalms 17:1 – 20:9
5/7/2019       Day 126 Psalms 21:1 – 24:10
5/8/2019       Day 127 Psalms 25:1 – 28:9
5/9/2019       Day 128 Psalms 29:1 – 32:11
5/10/2019     Day 129 Psalms 33:1 – 36:12
5/11/2019     Day 130 Psalms 37:1 – 41:13
5/12/2019     Day 131 Psalms 42:1 – 45:17
5/13/2019     Day 132 Psalms 46:1 – 49:20
5/14/2019     Day 133 Psalms 50:1 – 53:6
5/15/2019     Day 134 Psalms 54:1 – 56:13

Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established
the new covenant of reconciliation: Grant that all who have been
reborn into the fellowship of Christ's Body may show forth in their lives
what they profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who
lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and
ever. Amen.

(BCP - Collects - Second Sunday of Easter)


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