Day 259 - Mark's view of Jesus

Baptism of Christ. Jesus is baptized in the Jordan River by John.
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My Mini-Bible Study for 2019 | Read the Bible in a Year
Come join us at any time! 

Let the words of our mouths, and the meditation of our
hearts be acceptable to you, O God, our strength and our
salvation. Amen

Today’s Reading

9/16/2019     Day 259 Mark 1:1 – 3:35

Reflection |
Today -
I try to read the Gospel of Mark without the eyes of Matthew and
Luke and John. The starting point for Mark is John the Baptist -
the voice crying out in the wilderness “Prepare the Way of the Lord.”
And then Jesus is baptized and is beloved by God as we are. Jesus’
Wilderness wanderings are only 5 lines and then proclaims the
Jesus’ next action is the calling of disciples and then immediately
goes into a teaching ministry with a Jewish base. The unclean
spirits recognize him but others wonder who he is. Who is this
Guy? Then he moves to his healing ministry.  He prays. He tells
healed people to keep the secret of Jesus and they don’t. 
In the healing of the man who has "roofer" friends - Jesus links
Forgiveness and Healing.

The ministry of Jesus is teaching, healing/forgiving, and calling more
disciples.  Jesus likes to party with his people and challenges the
Sabbath rules; the spirits knew who he was; he ordains the disciples/
apostles to 1) be with him 2) proclaim the message 3) authority to
heal/cast out demons. 
Jesus treats all as his family - father/mother, sisters, brothers. Whoever
does God’s will is in my/Jesus’ family.

Background | 
Background by Center of Biblical Studies.  
More Mark by Mark Powell
Scholars think that Mark was written prior to Matthew and
Luke - Mark could have been a Hellenized Jew who lived
outside of Palestine. Written maybe between 64 c.e. and 70 c.e.
1.1 - 15 - Prologue - Jesus baptism and appearance in Galilee
1.16 - 8.26 - Jesus messianic mission: word and deed
8.27 - 15.47 - Jesus messianic mission: sacrifice
16.1-8 - Epilogue - Jesus’ resurrection and appearance (16.9-20)
(NOAB5 notes by Suzanne Watts Henderson, pp 1829+)
The Next Days of Readings |

9/17/2019     Day 260 Mark 4:1 – 5:43
9/18/2019     Day 261 Mark 6:1 – 56
9/19/2019     Day 262 Mark 7:1 – 8:38
9/20/2019     Day 263 Mark 9:1 – 10:45
9/21/2019     Day 264 Mark 10:46 – 12:34
9/22/2019     Day 265 Mark 12:35 – 13:37
9/23/2019     Day 266 Mark 14:1 – 72
9/24/2019     Day 267 Mark 15:1 – 16:20

9/25/2019     Day 268 Luke 1:1 – 80
9/26/2019     Day 269 Luke 2:1 – 51
9/27/2019     Day 270 Luke 3:1 – 4:13
9/28/2019     Day 271 Luke 4:14 – 5:39
9/29/2019     Day 272 Luke 6:1 – 49
9/30/2019     Day 273 Luke 7:1 – 8:39

Collect for Proper 19 / Pentecost 14
O God, because without you we are not able to please you,
mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct
and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives
and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God,
now and forever. Amen

Pray for those seeking God’s calling for their next
venture in life. Provide the meanings of giving
thanksgiving for all God’s gifts and wonders.


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