Day 291 & Day 292 - John's Passion of the Christ

Jesus Weeps! Enrique Simonet Lombardo
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My Mini-Bible Study for 2019 |
Read the Bible in a Year |
Come join us at any time! 

In the name of God who surrounds us; the God who
Walks with us; the God who blows through us.  Amen

Today’s Reading -

10/18/2019     Day 291 John 9:1 - 10:42
10/19/2019     Day 292 John 11:1 - 12:50

Reflection |
Today -
Chapter 9 - Jesus heals a blind person honoring the tradition;
The religious leaders wonder who healed him and the blind
man not being able to see him did not know. He was healed
on the Sabbath and the leaders wanted to arrest the one
who worked on the Sabbath to heal. The one healed was
Interrogated, then his parents, then him again. Jesus seeks
out and declares himself and the once blind man worshipped
Chapter 10 - Jesus continues to teach. The crowd was divided
about the words he said. I am the shepherd of my sheep. They
got mad at his words, wanted to stone him, but he escapes.
Chapter 11 - Jesus friend Lazarus - brother of Martha  & Mary -
dies.They are dear friends of his.  Jesus hears the news and waits
and then decides to go to see them despite the warnings of the
disciples of being attacked. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead
and then tell all that he is the resurrection and the life eternal.

All hear of what happens and a plot to kill Jesus begins.

Chapter 12 - Jesus at a banquet feet are anointed by Mary.
A plot develops to kill Lazarus; the Passion of Christ begins with
Palm Sunday procession of Jesus ninto Jerusalem happens.
Jesus talks with foreigners. Jesus is sad for the people’s lack
of belief in God and him and is troubled by his coming death.
Jesus - I speak as the Father has told me to speak.
Background | 
Background by Center of Biblical Studies.  
More Gospel of John by Mark Powell
Because John is so different from the other gospel,
there is much debate among scholars about the how
of the writing of John.
Some say it was written between 90 - 140 c.e. Others
toward the end of the century of the 100s.
Some say it was written by John the Elder and others
say it was a document written by a community over a
period of time - 50 - 100 years.

The community of the beloved disciples seems to have
been followers of Jesus, separated from the world, and
looking continually to a Jesus of the cosmos that came
down from heaven and now rules the universe.
Clement of Alexander said that John wrote a spiritual
The gospel of John is different.  Look at how Jesus is
described differently from the other gospels.
(NOAB5 - Colleen Conway, pp.1917-1919; Intro by Mark
Powell; HS)
The Next Days of Readings |

10/20/2019     Day 293 John 13:1 - 14:31
10/21/2019     Day 294 John 15:1 - 17:26
10/22/2019     Day 295 John 18:1 - 19:42
10/23/2019     Day 296 John 20:1 - 21:35

10/24/2019     Day 297 Acts 1:1 - 2:47
10/25/2019     Day 298 Acts 3:1 - 5:16
10/26/2019     Day 299 Acts 5:17 - 7:60
10/27/2019     Day 300 Acts 8:1 - 9:43
10/28/2019     Day 301 Acts 10:1 - 12:25
10/29/2019     Day 302 Acts 13:1 - 15:21
10/30/2019     Day 303 Acts 15:22 - 17:34
10/31/2019     Day 304 Acts 18:1 - 20:38

O Lord God, tireless guardian of your people,
You are always ready to hear our cries.

Teach us to rely day and night on your care.

Inspire us to seek your enduring justice for all
this suffering world, through Jesus Christ,
our Savior and Lord.


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