Day 343 - Jesus and Mechizedek
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The Meeting of Abraham and Melchizedek - cartone Peter Paul Rubens Wiki Commons Images |
Read the Bible in a Year | My Mini-Bible Study for 2019 |
Come join us at any time!
Come join us at any time!
Shower, O heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down
righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation may spring up,
and let it cause righteousness to sprout up also.
Isaiah 45:8, NRSV (Enriching Our Worship 1)
righteousness; let the earth open, that salvation may spring up,
and let it cause righteousness to sprout up also.
Isaiah 45:8, NRSV (Enriching Our Worship 1)
Today’s Reading -
12/9/2019 Day 343 Hebrews 4:1 – 6:20
Reflection |
Today -
Make sure you hear the message of salvation! Jesus knows our
weaknesses for he has lived them! He now is our high priest!
Teach the basics of the faith to others!
weaknesses for he has lived them! He now is our high priest!
Teach the basics of the faith to others!
Chapter 6 lists the basics of the faith.
God is not unjust and fulfills all promises. Jesus is our forerunner
of the priesthood of all believers dating back to Melchizedek.
Background |
of the priesthood of all believers dating back to Melchizedek.
Background |
Background by the Center of Biblical Studies.
Background by Mark Powell - Introducing the New Testament
This is a sermon meant to be read to a church meeting. Unsure
who wrote it. Written sometime before 95 ce. Context is a
Crisis in Commitment to the Church.
who wrote it. Written sometime before 95 ce. Context is a
Crisis in Commitment to the Church.
David deSilva, NOAB5, pp. 2147 - 2148
The Next Days of Readings |
12/10/2019 Day 344 Hebrews 7:1 – 9:28
12/11/2019 Day 345 Hebrews 10:1 – 11:40
12/12/2019 Day 346 Hebrews 12:1 – 13:25
12/13/2019 Day 347 James 1:1 – 2:26
12/14/2019 Day 348 James 3:1 – 5:20
12/15/2019 Day 349 1 Peter 1:1 – 2:25
12/16/2019 Day 350 1 Peter 3:1 – 5:14
12/17/2019 Day 351 2 Peter 1:1 – 2:21
12/18/2019 Day 352 2 Peter 3:1 – 18
12/19/2019 Day 353 1 John 1:1 – 3:24
12/20/2019 Day 354 1 John 4:1 – 5:21
12/21/2019 Day 355 2 John 1 – 13
12/22/2019 Day 356 3 John 1 – 15
12/23/2019 Day 357 Jude 1 – 25
12/24/2019 Day 358 Revelation 1:1 – 2:29
12/25/2019 Day 359 Revelation 3:1 – 5:14
12/26/2019 Day 360 Revelation 6:1 – 8:05
12/27/2019 Day 361 Revelation 8:6 – 11:19
12/28/2019 Day 362 Revelation 12:1 – 14:20
12/29/2019 Day 363 Revelation 15:1 – 17:18
12/30/2019 Day 364 Revelation 18:1 – 20:15
12/31/2019 Day 365 Revelation 21:1 – 22:21
Canticle 16
The Song of Zechariah - Benedictus Dominus Deus
The Song of Zechariah - Benedictus Dominus Deus
Blessed are you, Lord, the God of Israel,
* you have come to your people and set them free.
You have raised up for us a mighty Savior,
* born of the house of your servant David.
* you have come to your people and set them free.
You have raised up for us a mighty Savior,
* born of the house of your servant David.
Through your holy prophets, you promised of old
to save us from our enemies,
* from the hands of all who hate us,
To show mercy to our forebears,
* and to remember your holy covenant.
This was the oath you swore to our father Abraham,
* to set us free from the hands of our enemies,
Free to worship you without fear,
* holy and righteous before you, all the days of our life.
And you, child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High,
* for you will go before the Lord to prepare the way,
To give God’s people knowledge of salvation
* by the forgiveness of their sins.
In the tender compassion of our God
* the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
To shine on those who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death,
* and to guide our feet into the way of peace.
to save us from our enemies,
* from the hands of all who hate us,
To show mercy to our forebears,
* and to remember your holy covenant.
This was the oath you swore to our father Abraham,
* to set us free from the hands of our enemies,
Free to worship you without fear,
* holy and righteous before you, all the days of our life.
And you, child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High,
* for you will go before the Lord to prepare the way,
To give God’s people knowledge of salvation
* by the forgiveness of their sins.
In the tender compassion of our God
* the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
To shine on those who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death,
* and to guide our feet into the way of peace.
Enriching Our Worship 1 - pp. 27 - 28
Blog written to the glory of God in Cornelius Oregon USA
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