Loving the Word

Bible in Time
Based on impressions of the Book of Common Prayer
Daily Office Lectionary texts for the day.


Today - Wednesday, 8 July 2020
Proper 9 - Year Two

Psalm 119:1-24
Deut. 1:1-18
Romans 9:1-18
Matthew 23:27-39

Psalm 119 

This is the longest psalm in the Bible and is used on Wednesdays.

The tone is positive and glad to be able to walk in the ways of

the Lord and keep the statutes that God has provided to us.

It makes us happy and content.  I will live, meditate, and delight

in walking in the ways of God.

Deuteronomy 1

Written in 7th century BCE - Moses reviews the salvation history

moving from Mt. Sinai to the Promised land. Moses speaks to the people at a particular point in history and place. Moses explains the

leadership system - give people a fair hearing…regardless of

who they are. Verse 16

Romans 9

Paul continues his teaching…

The action of salvation is from God alone in keeping with the

Hebrew tradition. It does not depend on us but only God.

Matthew 23

Jesus continues his critique of the faith of the Pharisees …

You are leading people away from God by focusing on the wrong

thing. And then you kill everyone that God sends to you.


BCP - pp. 936 - 1001 - © 1986) 

Using New Oxford Annotated Bible, 5th edition - © 2018


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