Prayers for the People T he prayers of the people Let us pray for the Church and the world. God of every time and place, your Son Jesus told his disciples, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.” Pour your peace, which passes all understanding, upon your servants as we strive to walk in your ways. Do not let our hearts be troubled, nor let us be afraid. We pray for your peace in our hearts, in our homes, in our land. God of Love: make us instruments of your peace. Dios de Amor: haznos instrumentos de tu paz. During these days of discord and turmoil, teach us to love our enemies, embolden us to stand against hatred and oppression, empower us to diligently work for justice, and make us ambassadors of your love to this broken and hurting world. God of Love: where there is hatred, let us sow love. Dios de Amor: donde haya odio, sembremos amor. Jesus forgave those who nailed him to the cross and offered forgiveness to t...