Prayers for the People

The prayers of the people 

Let us pray for the Church and the world.

God of every time and place, your Son Jesus
told his disciples, “Peace I leave with you;
my peace I give to you.” Pour your peace,
which passes all understanding, upon your
servants as we strive to walk in your ways.
Do not let our hearts be troubled, nor let us
be afraid. We pray for your peace in our hearts,
in our homes, in our land.
God of Love:
make us instruments of your peace.
Dios de Amor: haznos instrumentos de tu paz. 

During these days of discord and turmoil,
teach us to love our enemies, embolden us
to stand against hatred and oppression,
empower us to diligently work for justice,
and make us ambassadors of your love to
this broken and hurting world. God of Love:
where there is hatred, let us sow love.
Dios de Amor: donde haya odio, sembremos amor. 

Jesus forgave those who nailed him to the
cross and offered forgiveness to the thief
who repented. Help us see the pain we have
caused, the wrongs we have done,
our failure to respond to human need and suffering,
and our indifference to injustice. May we know your
forgiveness even as we forgive those who have
harmed us. God of Love: where there is injury, pardon.
Dios de Amor: donde haya ofensa, perdón. 

We live in a time when so many people
in this country are divided one from another.
Enable us to see one another as your beloved
children regardless of our different opinions
and experiences. Open our hearts that we may
listen deeply and speak honestly with compassion.
Strengthen us to work together to uphold
the integrity of our democracy and protect
the rights of all, not only during this election
season but for the generations to come.
God of Love: where there is discord, union.
Dios de Amor: donde haya discordia, unión 

When so many have lost trust in the institutions
and principles that govern our national life,
guide us with a spirit of wisdom and understanding,
that we may discern what is good and
just in your sight. Strengthen those who have
lost their sense of your presence in the world.
God of Love: where there is doubt, faith.
Dios de Amor: donde haya duda, fe. 

As our nation faces the continuing challenges
of COVID-19, economic distress, and racial injustice,
hear the cries of those who feel powerless
and invisible. We pray for Donald, President
of the United States, all member of Congress,
and Muriel, Mayor of this city. May those in
elected office commit themselves to fulfill the
promise of liberty and justice for all. In this time
of discernment, grant us wisdom as we cast our
votes, and give us a sense of responsibility that
the right to vote may be exercised by each citizen
without fear of suppression or intimidation. 
God of Love:
where there is despair, hope. Dios de Amor:
donde haya desesperación, esperanza. 

We pray for those living in the shadows of fear,
violence, and poverty. Enlighten the consciences
of all in authority to respond to their needs with
understanding, care, and compassion. May we shine
as beacons of Christ’s love to the world.
God of Love: where there is darkness, light.
Dios de Amor: donde haya tinieblas, luz. 

We hold before your loving presence all who
suffer and are afflicted in body, mind, or spirit.
Lift up the brokenhearted and all who grieve.
burdens. We remember the faithful departed
who now find their rest in you.
God of Love: where there is sadness, joy.
Dios de Amor: donde haya tristeza, gozo. 

Gracious God, Grant that we may not so
much seek to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born
to eternal life. Amen.

Prayers of the People - 21 Pentecost - 102520.
Washington National Cathedral leaflet


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