Day 12 - Paul sees the Light & Peter Raises the Dead

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Second Week of Epiphany

Bible in Time: New Testament Study

Day 12

The year that we are studying |
38 CE/ad

Today: Acts 9 | Revo. pp. 51 - 52

Tomorrow: Acts 10 | Revo. pp. 53 - 56

January Assignments Calendar

Prayer Suggestion: 

Almighty God, by the hand of Moses your servant you led your people out of slavery and made them free at last: Grant that your church, following the example of your prophet Martin Luther King, may resist oppression in the name of your love, and may strive to secure for all your children the blessed liberty of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Sermon to hear:

The Rev. Dr. Michael Michael Dyson at

Washington National Cathedral, the sermon begins at 41:01 via YouTube .

Dear Friends in Christ,

Edwards Key points -

  • The year is 38 CE

  • Rulers -

    • Rome - Caligula

    • The high priest at Temple - Theophilus (38 - 41 CE)

  • The church is hiding; left Jerusalem and moved to Judea, Samaria, and Galilee

My Thoughts-

  • Saul on his way to persecute is blinded by the light of Jesus who questions Saul on why he is persecuting the Church. He is blinded.

  • Ananias - Acts 9:10 - 19 - is called by Jesus. This is one of the most remarkable conversations between Jesus and Ananias. (One of my favorites!!!)

  • Ananias overcomes his fear of Saul and does what Jesus needs him to do. Ananias heals and baptizes Saul/Paul.

  • Paul begins preaching in Damascus and everyone asks, “Who is this guy?”

  • Paul is so effective in his preaching that a plot is created to assassinate him. His disciples provide an escape.

  • Believers are afraid of him when he comes to Jerusalem and then was sent to Tarsus. Locate on a map

  • Peter tours churches in the Lydda area, raised a small girl from dead, and stays in Joppa as the Church continues to grow.

What do you say when Jesus asks you to do something in His name?

In Christ,

Dave Eitland

Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards” refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible Study” by Gene Edwards, ISBN 978-0-97975157-8, © 2009.

Also used notes from the New Oxford Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018. (NOAB5)

Posted to blog - 1/17/2021


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