Day 19 - A New Way of Doing Church?

Wednesday, 27 January 2021

Third Week of Epiphany

Bible in Time: New Testament Study

Day 19

The year that we are studying |
47 - 53 CE/ad

Today: Background on the Antioch Churches | Revo. pp. 85 -95

Tomorrow: Acts 13 | Revo. 97

January Assignments Calendar

February Assignments Calendar

Prayer Suggestion: 

For Peace against violence
God of life,
Every act of violence in our world, in our communities, between myself and others destroys a part of your creation.  Stir in my heart a renewed sense of reverence for all life. Give me the vision to recognize your spirit in every human being, however, they behave towards me. Make possible the impossible by cultivating in me the fertile seed of healing love. May I play my part in breaking the cycle of violence by realizing that peace begins with me. 

In the name of Christ, who is our peace, Amen.

(adapted from St. Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation and Peace, “Prayer for an End to Violence,”

Listing of the numbers killed and injured by gun violence - Click here

Dear Friends in Christ,

Edwards Key points -

Edwards says that the focus of Acts is changing from Jerusalem.

  • The years are 47 - 53 CE

  • Understanding standing the Story of the faith is very important.

  • Church moves from being a sect of the Jewish faith to a worldwide religion open to all.

  • Note how churches are formed - organic and local with local leadership. Lay based initially.

  • Paul’s way of church building is through its local expression

  • Look at the whole and the way they did things in that 47 -58 CE period.

My Thoughts-

  • In a post-COVID era, how does the church need to change to recapture its people?

  • It will be a different time for people to come back to a community of worship and a center for Christian action and ministry = congregational ministry.

  • Can we take to the model of the early Church formation and apply it to the modern era?

  • How will the Church aid the Holy Spirit to instill a sense of personal call and ministry to the individual Christian?

  • How will we help people discern their ministry as called by God to do?

How can the Church help the individual believer find what God is calling them to do to transform the world to the Way of Christ?

In Christ,

Dave Eitland

Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards”

refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible

Study” by Gene Edwards,

ISBN 978-0-97975157-8, © 2009.

Also used notes from the New Oxford

Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018.


Posted to blog - 1/27/2021


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