Day 3 - NT Bible Study - Book of Acts Overview

Twelfth Day of Christmas

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Bible in Time: New Testament Study

Today: My Overview of the Acts of the Apostles

Tomorrow: Acts 1 & 2; Revolutionary pp. 33-34

January Assignments Calendar

Prayer Suggestion: 

Unveiling Christianity

Center for Action and Contemplation

Dear Friends in Christ,

Welcome to the book of the Acts of the Apostles. 

Acts is a wonderment of history, travel, the founding

of churches, major first decisions of the Church,

and featuring Peter and Paul.

The Book of Acts is volume 2 from the writer of the

Gospel of Luke. The gospel speaks of Jesus and Acts

speaks of the founding and expansion of the Church.

The key question in Acts - Is the way of Jesus a

subset of the Jewish faith or is it something new?

The book of Acts reads like an adventure with

new churches being founded in Asia and Europe.

We start with Jesus rising to heaven and asking

his disciples to carry on the ministry, making

more disciples, and coming together in community.

We end with Paul going to Rome to face a trial.

In his Introducing the New Testament, Mark Powell

says about Acts …

The theology of Acts focuses, first, on God as having

sovereign control over all of history. God sometimes guides

people by revealing what has been predestined. God has

also proven faithful in keeping promises; thus, the transfer

of divine blessings from Israel to gentiles must be

understood as a consequence of Israel’s rebelliousness

and not of God’s unfaithfulness. The book of Acts does

emphasize that a remnant of Israel continues to be faithful,

and the book presents Jerusalem as the center of the

Christian movement. The book of Acts also presents

Jesus as still present within the church, and it links the

reception of present and future salvation to him. Much of

Acts is taken up with an enthusiastic account of the church

at work in the world, a mission that is marked by charismatic

manifestations of the Holy Spirit, miracles, numerical

growth, and victorious, triumphant living.”

Look for maps of the Apostle Paul missionary journeys

and his trip to Rome in your study Bible or online.

Reading Acts 1 & 2 we are in year 30 and beginning

near Jerusalem.

Pray and embrace the adventure of founding the Way of Love.

In Christ,

Dave Eitland

Note: “Revo.” or “Revolutionary” refers to our

textbook “Revolutionary Bible Study” by Gene

Edwards, ISBN 978-0-97975157-8, © 2009.

Posted on blog - 5 January 2021 CE

Posted to - 5 January 2021 a.d.


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