Day 9 - NT Study - Deacons and Interrogations

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

First Week of Epiphany

Bible in Time: New Testament Study

Day 9

The year that we are studying | 35 CE/ad

Today: Acts 6 | Revo. pp. 45 - 46

Tomorrow: Acts 7 - | Revo. pp. 47 - 49

January Assignments Calendar

Prayer Suggestion: 

Fr. Daniel Paul Richards | Daily around 8:30 am MT | Facebook | Click here

Dear Friends in Christ,

Edwards Key points -

  • Year 37 CE is covered in Acts 6 - 9

  • A massive change in leadership in Rome (p. 47) through illness and assassination. 

  • Deacon Stephen is arrested and executed through stoning for blasphemy against the Jewish religion

  • Saul/Paul gets authority to persecute the Christians.

  • Paul going to Damascus to persecute sees the light and is confronted by Jesus and blinded by the light.

My Thoughts-

  • A new ministry founded based on how food was being/not being distributed to widows of the faith.

  • Deacons - people designated to serve the Church - established in 6:1-7

  • Numbers of Church grew in Jerusalem even to include some of the priests of the Temple (6:7)

  • Stephen preaches, accused of blasphemy, and interrogated by the High Priest and his council.

How would you stand up for the faith?

In Christ,

Dave Eitland

Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards” refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible Study” by Gene Edwards, ISBN 978-0-97975157-8, © 2009.

Also used notes from the New Oxford Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018. (NOAB5)

Posted to blog - 1/13/2021


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