Day One - New Testament Bible Study - 2021

My Tools - DWE 

The Holy Name of Jesus Day

Friday, 1 January 2021

Bible in Time: New Testament Study

Today: Revolutionary Bible Study (Revo.).

pp. vii-xix; 21 - 29

Monday, 1/4/2021: Look up the word

“Canon” as it relates to the Bible

January Assignments Calendar

Dear Friends in Christ,

I write to you today with great expectations

for a New Year and a deeper relationship

with God - Creator, Redeemer, and the One

always with us.

This note will act as a syllabus for the


The purpose of this course is to read the

Holy Bible New Testament in a new way --

in the order that the books were written.

Disclaimer: No one knows exactly when the

books and letters of the New Testament were

written but we are using biblical

scholars’ best guess.

We will shape the first part of the course

using the Bible and Gene Edwards,

Revolutionary Bible Study,

ISBN 978-0-97975157-8 (hereafter referred to

as Edwards).

We will be using Edwards calendar

of the dates of writing. We will be using

Edwards to lead us through the time of the

early Church from 30 to 70 CE (AD).

Using the Acts of the Apostle as a

backbone, we will read Acts and the Letters

of the Apostle Paul (Paul) in Edwards’


The second part of the study will take a

calendar of the balance of the letters and

gospels to study in order to read the

New Testament as it happens.

Operating Parameters -

  1. Pray Daily. I will be making suggestions based on the Book of Common Prayer Daily Office Lectionary, Year 1.

  2. Read a chapter of the New Testament and related readings each day, Monday through Friday except holidays and vacation. Note January Calendar with the other assignments above.

  3. Get the Revolutionary book and a 21st Study Bible.

  4. Takes notes on your personal reflections in a notebook or composition book.

  5. Watch of weblinks and background postings resided at to add to your insights.

  6. Share the Study with your friends.

I am pointing you to deepen your faith in order to hear God’s calling to change the world and God’s Kingdom to be based on faith, love, mercy, and forgiveness.

Let us pray …

Blessed Lord, who caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning: Grant us so to hear them, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them, that we may embrace and ever hold fast the blessed hope of everlasting life, which you have given us in our Savior Jesus Christ; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

(Book of Common Prayer, Proper 28)

In Christ,

Dave Eitland


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