Day 23 - More of the Missionary Tour

Prayer Suggestion |

God of Abundance,

Through grace, we received your blessings of love and sacrifice.  Daily we are reminded of your gifts and, in turn, let us not be afraid to do the same. Give us courage and discernment for how we are being called to give back to our community. Bless these gifts as you have already blessed us, and use them to help further your kingdom.

It is in your name that we pray. Amen.

Justin Mauney, Second year M. Div. student at Luther Seminary, St. Paul, MN from Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. From a scholarship appeal from the Seminary.

Bible in Time - Tuesday, Fourth Week of Epiphany |
New Testament Study, Day 23

It’s 48 CE/a.d.

Today: Acts 14 | Cont. |
Revo. pp. 113 - 118

Tomorrow: Acts 14 - 15 | Revo. pp. 119 - 125

February Assignments Calendar


Revolution is a mood happening in the Holy Land under the domination of Rome.

Edwards Book Key points -

  • Roman guards burn a copy of the Torah. Creates fervor of discontent with the Roman ruler. Cumanus, Roman governor, beheads the perpetrators of this blasphemy.

  • Emperor Claudius was merciless and killed people on a whim. Killed his wife for adultery.


My Thoughts-

Paul and Barnabas continue their ministry. Their methodology is first to go to Jewish synagogues to preach Jesus then to the non-Jewish community. Some of those people do NOT like what they are saying and stirred up people and seek to get rid of them. They move onto Lystra.

Paul heals a disabled person in Lystra, and people think they are gods. And the locals worship them but Paul and Barnabas pleaded with them and told them the Gospel.

More Jews from other towns create a riot and Paul and Barnabas escape but come back to strengthen the Church/the believers. They appointed leaders from/for the Church and moved onto their journey. In Antioch they shared the news of the expanding numbers in the Church on their journey. And they stayed there for some time.

In Acts, persecution always leads to new opportunities for ministry. What are your new opportunities for ministry? (NOAB5, Notes p. 1982)

Invite your friends to our journey.

In Christ,

Dave Eitland

Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards” refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible Study” by Gene Edwards, ISBN 978-0-97975157-8, © 2009.

Also used notes from the New Oxford Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018. (NOAB5)

Posted to blog - 2/5/2021

Image Credit via Google Images - 


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