Day 24 - Being Sent to Serve - Paul and Pharisees

Being Sent to Serve

Prayer Suggestion |

O Eternal One, who has filled the world with bounty: Open our eyes to behold your gracious hand in all your works, that, rejoicing in your whole creation, we may learn to serve you with joy and gladness; for the sake of him whom all things were made - Your Son, Jesus Christ our God. Amen

Book of Common Prayer | Prayers & Thanksgiving | #1 p. 814

Bible in Time |

Wednesday Fifth Week of Epiphany |
New Testament Study, Day 24 |

It’s 48 - 49 CE/a.d.

Today: Acts 14 - 15 | Revo. pp. 119 - 125

Tomorrow: Galatians | Revo. p. 125

February Assignments Calendar


Coming to one of the great debates in the new Christian Church.

Edwards’ Book Key points -

  • Paul stays one month in each of the four Churches in Galatia

  • Edwards asks why do we not do church planting/creating new churches similar to the way Paul did them in the first century?

  • Paul visits Antioch.

  • After Paul leaves, some Pharisee Christians come to Galatian churches and completely undermine what Paul has taught them in order to follow Judaic traditions (Moses) rather than freedom in Christ. Paul is NOT pleased.

  • In Rome, Jews riot to see if that forces the coming of the Messiah. Emperor Claudius throws all the Jews out of Rome - some 20,000.

  • Luke tells of this dispute with Paul and the Galatians in Acts 15:1. Look at Galatians 2:11.

  • Luke read the Letter to the Galatians prior to writing Acts.


My Thoughts-

Are we truly free from tradition when we have faith in Christ Jesus?

Invite your friends to our journey.

In Christ,

Dave Eitland

Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards” refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible Study” by Gene Edwards, I SBN 978-0-97975157-8, © 2009.

Also used notes from the New Oxford Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018. (NOAB5)

Posted to blog - 2/9/2021

Image Credit via Google Images - 


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