Day 30 - It's Jesus

Greg Olson, Take My Hand

Prayer Suggestion |

We must know how to say, “Thank you”. Our 

days are filled with the gifts the Eternal One 

showers on us. If we were in the habit of taking 

stock of them, at night we should be like a “queen 

for a day,” dazzled and happy with so many blessings. 

We should then be grateful to God, secure 

because God gives us everything, joyful because 

we know that every day God will renew God’s gifts.

Abbe Michel Quoist | Prayers | © 1963 | ISBN 0-380-00406-2 | 

Bible in Time |

Thursday | First Full Week in Lent |

New Testament Study, Day 30 |

It’s 50 - 58 CE/a.d

Today 2/25/2021 : Galatians 3

Tomorrow 2/26/2021: Galatians 4

Assignments Calendar


Edwards has asked us to pause and read 

the Letter to the Galatians. 

I am using NOAB5, Galatians, text and 

notes as the source of this background for you.

Chapter 3

Paul appeals to people that Jesus is the way 

and for them not to follow the foolishness 

now of the Law.

Vs. 2 - … Did you received the Spirit by doing 

the works of the Law or by believing what 

you heard? (About Jesus Christ)

Abraham is the model of trusting obedience. 

Paul insists that Christ is the singular heir of 

Abraham’s promises and that these promises 

have priority over the law. The law is only 

temporary until Christ came.

Through baptism, the Christ-elect come to
participate “in Christ” and made into the
offspring of Abraham, thus fulfilling the promises. 

Paul calls for inclusivity…

Vs 28 - There is no longer Jew or Greek,

Slave or free, male or female,
for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
We are heirs to all promises of God through Jesus.

(all above from NOAB5 notes)  

Other materials -

Map | First Missionary Journey

Map | Second Missionary Journey

(great review at bottom of page)


Invite your friends to our journey.

In Christ,

Dave Eitland


Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards”
refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible
Study” by Gene Edwards, ISBN 978-0-97975157-8,
© 2009.


Also used notes from the New Oxford
Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018.


Posted to blog - 2/23/2021

Picture Credit -


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