Day 45 - Another Letter

Prayer Suggestion |
Speech is God’s gift. We shall have to account for it.
It is through words we communicate with each other
and that we reveal what we are. We haven’t the
right to be silent, but speaking is a serious matter,
and we must weigh our words in the sight of God.

p. 69 | Prayers | Michael Quoist | ISBN 9780934134460 |
© 1963


Bible in Time |

Friday | Third Week in Easter |

New Testament Study, Day 45 |

It’s 52 c.e./a.d.

Today - Day 45 | Background |
2 Thessalonians | Revo. pp. 165 - 167

Next - Day 46 | 2 Thessalonians 1


Edwards Thoughts on Today’s Session -

Paul is four months in Corinth and writes
2 Thessalonians as a letter to adjust the
thinking and faith of this church.


My Thoughts on Today’s Session -

Mark Powell says 2 Thessalonians is

a change in tone from the first letter.

It’s a little harsh. Paul commends the

church for standing up for the faith

in the light of persecution. Those

that persecute will get theirs in the

end. “Day of the Lord” will come.

He addresses idleness and everyone

should do productive labor. 

Paul concludes the letter with two

benedictions including one written

by him personally. This acts as an

authentication of the letter so no one

misleads them.

(Powell, pp. 387 & 388)

I have to remember that Paul is 

writing to a church and not just to me.

Invite your friends to our journey.
Happy Eastertide!

In Christ,

Dave Eitland


Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards”
refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible
Study” by Gene Edwards,
ISBN 978-0-97975157-8,
© 2009.

Also used notes from the New Oxford
Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018.

Also used Mark Allen Powell, Introducing
the New Testament, 1st ed., ISBN

Also using links to for
copy of the readings.

  • Use Right Arrow to get to the next

Posted to blog - 4/23/2021

Picture Credit -


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