Day 46 - Thanks For What You Are Doing!

Prayer Suggestion|

Almighty God, our Refuge and our Rock, your
loving care knows no bounds and embraces all the peoples of the earth: Defend and protect
those who fall victim to the forces of evil, and
as we remember this day those who endured
depredation and death because of who they
were, not because of what they had done or
failed to do, give us the courage to stand against
hatred and oppression, and to seek the dignity
and well-being of all for the sake of our Savior
Jesus Christ, in whom you have reconciled the
world to yourself; and who lives and reigns with
you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
forever. Amen.

Book of Common Prayer | Collects |
Via Morning Prayer | English |


Bible in Time |

Saturday | Third Week in Easter |

New Testament Study, Day 46 |

It’s 52 c.e./a.d.

Today - Day 46 | 2 Thessalonians 1

Next - Day 47 | 2 Thessalonians 2



My Thoughts on Today’s Session -

Using NOAB5 per below |
Notes pp. 2120

Following the greeting, Paul reassures the Thessalonian faith community of the great work they are doing even when they are enduring suffering for that faith.

He tells them to know that the people causing the suffering will be judged by God and have eternal destruction. We always pray for you to be filled with God's resolve and faith. The Thessalonians should live in this faith no matter what happens to them personally for God is great!

What do you think about Christian persecution in the modern era? Open Doors issues a worldwide watch list of the top 50 countries where Christians are persecuted.

Invite your friends to our journey.
Happy Eastertide!

In Christ,

Dave Eitland


Note: “Revo.”, “Revolutionary”, “Edwards”
refers to our textbook “Revolutionary Bible
Study” by Gene Edwards,
ISBN 978-0-97975157-8,
© 2009.

Also used notes from the New Oxford
Annotated Bible, 5th Edition, © 2018.

Also used Mark Allen Powell, Introducing
the New Testament, 1st ed., ISBN

Also using links to for
copy of the readings.

  • Use Right Arrow to get to the next

Posted to blog - 4/25/2021

Picture Credit -


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