Prayer Suggestion | L God of all creation, full of love and abounding in mercy; A May the whole earth be filled with your glory. L Lord, bless and guide all ministers of your church; A Clothe them in righteousness and grant them wisdom. L Direct the leaders of our nation; A That they may act in accordance with your kingdom. L Enlarge our own hearts, O Lord, A To love the things that you love L May we proclaim your light A In every place where there is darkness. L May we proclaim your Holy Name A In every aspect of our lives. L Create in us clean hearts, O God; A And renew a right spirit within us. L Grant us your peace; A For only in you can we live in safety. L We pray for those in sickness, grief, persecution, bondage, fear, or loneliness. A Lord, have mercy. L Let us offer our own prayers. (a brief pause to silently offer our own prayers) Suffrages from The Trinity Mission Daily Prayers for Individuals & Families +++ Bible in Time | Wednesday | Tenth Week after Pentecost | New...