
Showing posts from August, 2021

Worth Listening To ...

SERMON: THE RIGHT REV. MARIANN EDGAR BUDDE "Discovering the Gospel of Your Life" Sunday |  August 29, 2021 | Pentecost XIV Washington National Cathedral | District of Columbia via YouTube Appointed Lessons for the Day - Song of Solomon 2:8-13 Psalm 45:1-2, 7-10 James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

Day 55 - A New Thing

Prayer Suggestion | Almighty God, to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hid: Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love you, and worthily magnify your holy Name; through Christ our Lord. Amen. A Collect of Purity | Book of Common Prayer Via Washington National Cathedral | Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost | Worship Bulletin +++ Bible in Time | Monday | Week after the 11th Sunday after the Pentecost | New Testament Study, Day 55 | It’s 57 c.e./a.d. Today - Day 55 | Acts 19 | Revo. pp. 209 - 210 Next - Day 56 | Acts 19 | Revo. pp. 211- 214 Activity Calendar | updated 05 Aug 2021 +++   Edwards insights for Today’s Reading- Paul founds church in Corinth in 54 C.E. Paul writes to the church in 57 C.E. about the problems happening in the church Get Edwards book. See Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey - Map My Thoughts on Today’s Session -    See NOAB5 notes pp. 1992 - 1994 The latter...

Day 54 - Is There a New Way?

Prayer Suggestion | God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the heavens.” We thank you for the vastness of the universe and the mysteries of space. As we contemplate the wonder of the heavens, confirm in us the truth that every human being is known and loved by you, and help us, with our leaders, work for justice and peace.  God of life: People Hear our prayer. Amen Trinity Church Wall Street | 12:05 pm Bulletin. +++ Bible in Time | Friday | Eleventh Week after Pentecost | New Testament Study, Day 54 | It’s 56 c.e./a.d. Today - Day 54 | Acts 19 | Revo. pp. 205 -208 Next - Day 55 | Acts 19 | Revo. pp. 209 - 210 Activity Calendar | updated 05 Aug 2021 +++   Edwards insights for Today’s Reading- Empire - Nero in reign at 18 years old and continuing to fight with his mother Agrippa  Rise of the Zealots - anti Empire/Rome. Jewish persecution beginning. Paul in the second year of training leaders in Ephesus Get Edwards book. See Paul’s 3rd Missionary Journey...

Day 53 - Evolving Ministry

Prayer Suggestion | L God of all creation, full of love and abounding in mercy; A May the whole earth be filled with your glory. L Lord, bless and guide all ministers of your church; A Clothe them in righteousness and grant them wisdom. L Direct the leaders of our nation; A That they may act in accordance with your kingdom. L Enlarge our own hearts, O Lord, A To love the things that you love L May we proclaim your light A In every place where there is darkness. L May we proclaim your Holy Name A In every aspect of our lives. L Create in us clean hearts, O God; A And renew a right spirit within us. L Grant us your peace; A For only in you can we live in safety. L We pray for those in sickness, grief, persecution, bondage, fear, or loneliness. A Lord, have mercy. L Let us offer our own prayers. (a brief pause to silently offer our own prayers) Suffrages from The Trinity Mission Daily Prayers for Individuals & Families +++ Bible in Time | Wednesday | Tenth Week after Pentecost | New...