New Study - Parables, Jesus as Storyteller

New Year's Eve 2021

Parables - Jesus as Storyteller

This is an overview of 2022 The Bible in Time Bible Study will be a focus on Jesus as a storyteller and a teacher of parables. 

A parable gives insights into the spiritual life of someone or a teaching for right living.

Parables are meant to be viewed with the eyes of faith and teaching of the soul by the Holy Spirit.

I will be displaying Bible verses that tell the story and then do some personal reflections. Each time I post I will just cover one parable.  If the parable is not in the current canon of the Bible, I will quote the source and reflect. 

I can’t imagine what stories and parables we missed because of the lack of technology to capture them all. On the other hand, we are blessed by having a Church (universal - not one particular denomination) and community of faithful that have captured some prime pieces of teaching.

I am retired so that there might not be a daily post but I will post at least once per week. I will announce on the Bible in Time on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter, link on Tumblr, and on the blog.

These postings are my reflections influenced by my background and faith. Sources will be quoted.

May we be blessed as we journey with Jesus.

May God be with you.


Dave Eitland

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