Parables - The Sower (1st Edition)

Parables - Jesus as Storyteller

1st Edition - The Parable of the Sower

Dear Siblings in God,

Grace and peace from our loving God.

I would ask you to read the Sower parable from Matthew 13:1 - 9 and Jesus’ explanation from Matthew 13:18 - 23.

Jesus teaches us the acceptance of the Word of God by a variety of people. 

Seeds on Path - bird eat them up - hears the Word but does not understand.

Seeds on Rocky Ground - grew quickly but no roots and died - when persecution comes they fall away.

Seeds on Thorns - grew and were choked - hears the Word but cares of the world and lure of wealth chokes the word and the person.

Seeds on Good Soil - grew and created much yield beyond imagination - the Word produces great fruit.

In this parable, we are fortunate that Jesus takes the time to explain it to the disciples. The disciples are special to receive the teaching for there are many who don’t understand and ultimately have no faith. 

The journey of the mature Christian will face times where all these “soils” and “plants” come and go in life. Faith and taking Jesus word to heart and soul not only gives faith but also life and peace. This faith also benefits not only the individual but everyone they come in contact making a better world to live in.

The Christian grows and flourishes in the soil of a worshipping and serving community. The biggest challenge in the COVID world is to find one... 

May we be blessed as we journey with Jesus.

May God be with you.


Dave Eitland

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