Parables - Mustard Seed

Parables - 

The Parable of the Mustard Seed

Dear Siblings in God,

Grace and peace from our loving God.

I would ask you to read the Mustard Seed parables from Matthew 13:31-23 | Mark 4:30-32 | Luke 13:18-19 (Snodgrass). Luke 17:4-6 (Kendall)

Kendall points out that the Mustard Seed parables attempt to have Jesus answer the question, “What shall we say the Kingdom of God is like or how shall we describe it? (Mark 4:30)

This story tells us four things -

  1. Great things can come from tiny starts.

  2. God can take the most unlikely person and turn them into a holy vessel (to build the Kingdom.)

  3. God can take the most unpromising situation and turn it into triumph and glory.

  4. God can take the simplest insight and make it profound (Kendall, pp. 32 - 33)

God’s rule is not like an earthly ruler but based on love as a servant. God will do things (ministry) for people in God’s own way. God will always break what we think is the norm of religion and transform it as an act of love no matter the size of the start of the Kingdom building activity.

Snodgrass points to Psalm 104:12, 16-17; Ezekiel 17:22-23 & 31:6; and Daniel 4:10-12, 20-21 as Old Testament sources. (See p.217 for more sources.)

The Kingdom of God is not a governmental structure to rule but a ministry built with individuals inspired by the Holy Spirit to love and serve each other. Even starting at a small spot; God’s Kingdom of love and forgiveness will continually grow and help the Creation for good. God’s Kingdom has come, is coming, and will always come to grow and reshape as a living organism meeting the needs of the present era.

“History is changed by God’s word and work” (Snodgrass, p. 235) as God transforms individuals to help God continually grow the Kingdom.

If God were a child, God would say, “come play with me and change the world.”

May we be blessed as we journey with Jesus.

May God be with you.


Dave Eitland

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