Parables - New Wineskins

Dear Friends,

Grace and peace from our loving God.

Let us pray …

Kindle in our hearts, O God,

the flame of love that never ceases,

that it may burn in us, giving light to others.

May we shine forever in your temple,

raging set on fire with your eternal light,

even your Son Jesus Christ,

our Savior and Redeemer.


A Celtic Liturgy - Morning Prayer, p. 21; 

Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 2008, ed.

Today’s Parable - Wineskins / Luke 5:37

Jesus in this scene is having a party with known sinners after the conversion of a tax collector. Some religious people are critical of this action. They point to the disciples of John the Baptist and whose piety is fasting and prayer and why is Jesus not doing it their way.

Kendall points to this parable of Jesus as a calling of established and mature religious people to create themselves as new wineskins for new wine. (If you put new wine in old wineskins, it will explode because of fermentation.) The Holy Spirit constantly inspires and changes the People of God/the Church to continuously change with expanding ministry/service to the world. Yes, God is changeless but also is also constantly changing as the creation/universe is constantly changing to expand love to everyone.

See-  Isaiah 43:18,Isaiah 43:19,Revelation 21:5,Isaiah 65:17,Ephesians 2:15,Ephesians 4:24,Hebrews 8:13

The People of God have to keep up with a welcoming, inviting, including, loving, healing, and servicing God. God is calling the whole world to love and invites us to join in that expansion.  This might require the way we “do Church” and the way we are as the people of God to change so all people are brought to the love of God. 

The people of God must be flexible to hear the Holy Spirit and review old ways to make them new in keeping with God’s “coming of the will of God to present the Reign of God to the Kingdom of God’s will in and around us, everywhere and with everyone.” (Center of Action and Contemplation, blog 10/18/2022)


May we be blessed as we journey with the Holy Spirit.

May God be with you.


Dave Eitland

Edited by the Rev. Katheryn M. King

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