Day 25 - Blowing It Big Time - Exodus 31:1 - 34:35

Moses and Ten Commandments

2024 Read the Bible in a Year

January 25, 2024


Please note!

Dear partners in this study. 

I have gotten behind in the posting of reflections. I will be back-filling the past few days as I keep up with those who are following the calendar. So I will be doing one posting of the calendar reading and also back-fill the past days that need reflections.




Readings for Today: Exodus 31:1 - 34:35

Day 25 - Blowing It Big Time


Oh God, we do really blow it sometimes. 

We sometimes forget about you.

We sometimes think of ourselves more than anything else. 

Sometimes we are not very loving to anyone.

We humbly pray and ask Your forgiveness. 

Give us the ability for us to think beyond ourselves so that we might enjoy the life that you have given us by you being with us, and we being with the world and the people we come in contact with.

In the name of Jesus,

By DE.

Background & Reflections:

Well I am glad I am not the only one who “blows it” in living my life with God, people and the creation/universe.

Our reading today points to BIG mistakes that the people of God have made when God is having a retreat with Moses on Mt. Sinai. Moses is gone for a long time… 40 days.

While Moses is talking with God about how to run things in the community, the people after being saved from slavery in Egypt, have short-term memory loss.

“Moses abandoned us, so God must have abandoned us, too.  Oh, woe is us. Let’s build a new god and worship it just like we did in Egypt.” 

This mob gets a good amount of people to do this building of a golden calf through donations of their jewelry and the party starts.

God hears this and is mad and is going to destroy the whole group of them. Then Moses has the most remarkable conversation with God. “Well, how would you look to the Egyptians if you saved your people only to destroy them the first time you get mad at them.”

God cools off and promises Moses not to destroy the people and re-promises giving the people the land and having God be their God. God discusses with Moses some lifestyle practices to maintain the relationship with the people. Moses writes these things down on stone tablets.

But when Moses gets back, he gets mad, breaks the tablets, calls for a loyalty vote, and destroys those who forgot about God and God’s teaching.

Moses goes back to God and recreates the tablets and brings them to the people. Read Exodus 34:10-28 for these practices. Moses sets up a tent so that he does not have to go away when speaking to God directly.

It is fascinating the interchanges of conversation that God and Moses have. This only happens because Moses has a relationship with God. ”I will do what you have asked because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.” (Exodus 33:17 - God’s Word Bible)

Question of the Day:

Who needs your forgiveness in your life?

Tomorrow's Readings: Exodus 35:1 - 40:38


2024 Read the Bible in a Year is a featured Bible Study to inspire spirituality. This plan has been used on The Bible in Time blog site in the past and now includes new material and reflections.

By Dave Eitland. Free for faith community use. Thanks, Katheryn for the editorial help. This was published on January 26, 2024, in Oregon, USA.



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