Day 3 - Flood and Noah

Noah's Ark 
2024 Read the Bible in a Year

January 3, 2024

Readings for Today: Genesis 6:1 - 9:17

Day 3 - Flood and Noah


Creator God,

Thanks for the rainbows and promises,

Waters and lands,

And creatures in the water and on the land.

Wake us up to our responsibility for the care of this earth before we lose it to our neglect.

As you have blessed us so may we bless this small island we call home and earth.

In the name of Jesus,



The story today has many themes. Some are creation, God, humanity, behavior of humanity, consequences, family, promises, second chances, making things new, etc.

Humanity has blown it in the eyes of God’ post-garden of Eden. It has gotten so bad that God will wipe it out but not entirely. Noah is a righteous man and will be spared from this judgment with his family.

The story's details are like any great saga…destruction is coming, Noah is spared, a large boat is built, a cubit is 18 inches (45 cm), and pairs of animals are saved from each species, 40 days of rain and finally it's over. 

The “great start over” gives us a view of God’s forgiveness and promise. God is not going to destroy humanity again sealed with a rainbow. We now start our journey with God with Noah’s example of righteousness and faith.


God says that creation is good. Humanity blows it to the point of divine judgment or the anger of God. After the flood is done, God gives up anger as a way of reacting to sin and chooses a path of love and care. Humanity has a template in Noah’s action for righteousness and faith relating to God. 

(note: watch for a blog page of resources that discuss how the Flood story might be a merger of J and P writings per scholarship by John J. Collins)

Question of the Day:

Have we learned anything since then?

Can we turn away from our destructive nature to each other and the earth?

Can we be a righteous and kind people again?

Tomorrow Readings:

Genesis 9:18 - 11:32

2024 Read the Bible in a Year is a featured Bible Study to inspire spirituality. This plan has been used on The Bible in Time blog site in the past and now includes new material and reflections.

By Dave Eitland. Free for faith community use. Thanks, Katheryn and Leah for the editorial help. Released January 10, 2024 in Oregon, USA.


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