Day 59 - Judges and Cycles of War
Abimelech from Guillaume Rouillé 's Promptuarii Iconum Insigniorum 2024 Read the Bible in a Year February 28, 2024 Readings for Today: Day 59 - Judges 9:1 - 12:15 Map of time of Judges Prayer: Loving God, dissolve the barriers of suspicion that divide us from one another. Fill us with your love that casts out fear. Clothe us in your light and grace, that we may be agents of hope and encouragement for those that despair and have lost their way. Help us each to find our own particular way in which to proclaim the good news of your saving love in our daily life and work. We pray for our government and for our leaders at every level of authority, that they may be strengthened to heal the structures that bruise your people. God, hear our prayers. Amen (All Saints Episcopal Church - Pasadena prayers - 27 Oct 2019 worship) Reflection: We continue with the cycle of God saving the people. The people fall away from God and worship local deities. God lets the local warlord...